About Us

Life is a beautiful place and everyone deserves to experience its beauty.

Life is a beautiful place and everyone deserves to experience its beauty.

Yet beauty is vitiated by poverty, especially in the artisanal community, with whom CRC works. At CRC we believe that not all poverty can be measured by a lack of money. It is also measured by the lack of opportunities. We strive to create these opportunities for the marginalized.

People have three basic needs: income, health and education. Only when income is secured can a person be motivated to be conscious of health care and education. CRC encourages artisans to sharpen their talents, imparts training to expand the talent pool and improves their earnings. Education, nutrition, health and hygiene become instruments of empowerment and add value to the gift of life in all its beauty. CRC creates a professional platform for their dreams to come alive. Most importantly, we cherish our role as friend, philosopher and guide!

CRC operates in a sustainable, ethical and fair eco-system. We practise Fair Trade by maintaining completely transparent and accountable business relations with our stakeholders. Producers and workers are given a chance to participate in the decision-making processes and have a voice within their organisations.

CRC’s fundamental motivation, way back in 1990,came from reviving India’s wilting wealth of crafts by injecting mentorship, finance, contemporaneity and sustainability. This it did by addressing the producer’s environment comprising the home and business; through impacting mindsets and the environment; the society and the surroundings in which the artisans live and work.

While its specific role is that of a mentor for both craftspeople and communities, to sustainably access global markets, its reformist role encompasses the creative community’s natural and socio-economic worlds. It opens up horizons by introducing craftspersons to new designs, products and global markets. It backs their microenterprises with finances, logistics, production and supply chain management and improves quality of human resoures.

CRC, based in Kolkata, India, has worked with 63 different artisan groups whose work can be categorized under three broad headings: Fashion Accessories, Home Accessories, Gifts and Decorative Items. The products come from the vast repertoire of India’s creative and cultural heritage ranging from hand woven textiles, leather products, semi-precious jewellery, to embroidery

What is Eco-Leather?

All our leathers are eco-leather and they are buffalo leather. We buy the leather from GOLD SEAL certified tannery by LWG (Working Group which certifies tanneries around the world to verify if they comply to the international norms).

CRC is working for many years now to find ways of sustainable raw materials.

The eco-friendly buffalo leather with which your bag is made is bio-degradable and does not harm human or the environment.